The lecture is wonderful and the Q&A afterward is equally worth watching.
Here are the links for both:
One of the main focusses of his lecture is education and the importance of cultivating excellent teachers in America. He talks about the incredible KIPP schools and what they are doing to revolutionize the way the public school system is teaching under-served children who usually fall through the cracks and don't make it to college, or even out of highschool. If you think you've heard it all before, think again and watch their VIDEO and read this INTERVIEW with one of the founders, Mike Feinberg. This school is actualizing the promises that America was founded on. If you haven't already heard about these schools, I promise you this will be one of the most inspiring things you read about this year.
Anyone who has children or who cares about education in America should read the interview. If you want to read more about Mike Feinberg and his KIPP Co-Founder Dave Levin, I have included a book about them and their experience starting the schools in the "What I'm Reading Now" section of my bookstore. The book is called Work Hard. Be Nice. How Two Inspired Teachers Created The Most Promising Schools in America.
This is a cause and organization that I will be keeping up with and supporting from now on and I really hope these videos and interviews will inspire you to do the same.
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